Cloud ERP Software Supports a Remote Enterprise

Businesses running cloud ERP software found the sudden enforced shutdown nationwide easier to deal with than those without cloud-based systems, although no one found it easy. The reason is simple: cloud systems enable employees to work wherever they are without interrupting core business information. All of the business’ information is kept on the cloud and can be accessed wherever and whenever employees have an internet connection.

Are “Remote Enterprises” the New Business Model?

Because of the ease with which companies running cloud ERP software transitioned to working from home during the COVID-19 stay at home orders, some are predicting the remote enterprise will be the new normal. Companies everywhere are discovering that large and expensive office space might not be the best model in the future. Although some physical space is necessary for manufacturing and distribution businesses, many are finding their accounting, finance, sales, and marketing operations can be conducted remotely.

Cloud ERP Software Supports the Continuity of Business Operations

Pandemics aren’t the only external force that can seriously disrupt business operations. Natural disasters, too, have put businesses behind schedule and scrambling to dust off their backup plans. Significant events such as Hurricane Sandy in the northeast and Hurricane Katrina in the southern part of the United States seriously disrupted many businesses for weeks and months. Ports were shut, offices closed, and supply chains halted for weeks and months.

Ensuring the continuity of business operations during times of natural disasters, pandemics, and other disruptive events are essential. Cloud ERP software helps companies do this by:

  1. Enabling access to critical business systems for all workers forced to work remotely
  2. Fostering collaboration and communication among workers who are not in physical contact with one another
  3. Providing an effective way to onboard temporary workers from other, unaffected locations

Many companies who transitioned to cloud systems are thankful they did so before the pandemic hit. For others, the stay-at-home orders forced them to consider remote work, telecommuting policies, and cloud-based systems that build collaboration and ensure continuity.

Technology Needed to Run a Remote Enterprise

Hurricanes, tornadoes, snowstorms, and pandemics are unusual but a fact of life. It’s not a question of if a natural disaster will strike, but when. And if it does, how will your business remain open? What will you need to ensure operations can continue?

The technology needed to run a remote operation isn’t fancy or unique. Necessary technology required for a remote enterprise includes:

  1. Laptops with powerful hard drives and sufficient memory for business needs
  2. High-resolution webcams
  3. High-speed internet
  4. A separate monitor (if the laptop monitor is too small for comfortable use or those working across multiple screens and data feeds)
  5. Security systems
  6. Cloud storage for company files
  7. SaaS technology and systems for communication such as instant messenger, video chat
  8. Cloud ERP software

Most employees will have high-speed internet at home or access to it. By providing cloud software and encouraging frequent communications and collaboration among employees, remote enterprises can thrive during times of overall business disruption.

Acumatica ERP: Cloud Software for Remote Enterprises

Acumatica ERP is an excellent choice of cloud-based ERP software for remote enterprises. It offers just the right combination of user-friendliness and powerful functionality that distributors, manufacturers, and other businesses need. It also fosters collaboration and data sharing among teams, making it easy to access, review, and store information so others can see and use it. This is essential for remote enterprises.

Acumatica also offers an ERP Comparison Checklist which lets you rate solutions across five essential categories. You can use this tool to make your decision based on the features and benefits which are most important to your organization and then evaluate your top choices alongside Acumatica.

If you’re interested in learning more about Acumatica as an option for transitioning to a remote enterprise, contact us or call 678-456-6919 for more information.

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