Break Down the Information Silos with CRM in Manufacturing

Using CRM (customer relationship management) in manufacturing software can help you break down information silos that can keep customers from receiving the information they desire about their orders.

Have you ever called a company to update your order only to be asked the same questions by five different people? In that case, you know the frustration your customers feel when they call for an update on their order and find themselves transferred to various departments to get a simple update.

Instead of considering this the norm for the industry, make your company stand out through stellar service by implementing a CRM system in manufacturing. With the right system in place, you’ll be able to answer customer questions, handle multiple information streams, and break down the information silos that keep you from providing superb customer service.

What Is CRM?

CRM stands for customer relationship management. It’s both an approach to business communication and customer service and the name of a module built into Acumatica that enables you to handle customer requests, proposals, tickets, and communications with ease.

Breaking Down Information Silos

Manufacturers receive many benefits from using a CRM system, but one of the best is breaking down the information silos that can keep you from offering the best service possible to your customers.

In many companies, information is kept within discrete spreadsheets or databases in each department. The call center may log complaints into one system while sales accesses its records in a separate system. The result is an assortment of information that requires the skills of Sherlock Holmes to solve customer problems or complaints.

A CRM system breaks down the walls created by separate spreadsheets and databases by consolidating all the customers’ history with the company into one single database. Anyone from sales to service can access a customer’s record and review it to answer questions or create solutions. A CRM system makes it easier to provide exceptional service throughout the company.

Integrated Content Management

Another benefit of implementing a CRM system within your manufacturing company is seamless content management. This means information from the central database flows into orders, quotes, shipping information, etc. It’s faster and easier to provide quotes, copies of invoices, and more to your customers. Plus, you can look up past orders and enable customers to reorder as needed quickly.

Real-Time Information

In addition to a complete and comprehensive view of customer records, information is available in real-time in systems such as Acumatica CRM. As documents are updated in one department, they are updated throughout the system. This improves communication throughout the company and with customers, too.

Acumatica: CRM Built Into the System

Unlike other ERP systems on the market today, Acumatica has CRM capabilities built directly into the software. This ensures it is seamlessly integrated with the entire enterprise resource planning database. Acumatica is a top choice for manufacturing companies, and the software is built with manufacturers in mind. It’s an excellent choice for manufacturers embracing digital transformation and seeking to improve communications across siloed departments.

Emerald TC

Emerald TC provides software and consulting for manufacturing companies. We can help you choose the right ERP system for your needs and offer Sage, Acumatica, and other software packages for every type and size manufacturing company. Contact us or call 678-456-6919 for more information.

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