The Features to Look for During ERP Software Selection

ERP software selection can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Many companies find themselves studying a long list of selection criteria submitted by department managers, each with their own wish-list of features for the new software. While it’s important to consider what managers need, this handy checklist can help you focus on usability, a key component of best-in-class ERP software, and other features that will make everyone in the company happy.

Defining Usability

Before talking about usability features, it helps to have a shared definition of what the term means.

Usability refers to software features that enable users to perform tasks easily and efficiently. Good usability bakes these features directly into the software itself. Great software makes it a pleasure to use and helps people do their jobs better.

5 Questions to Ask About Usability Features

Every software company touts its usability features. How do you get to the truth when the company’s literature likely claims ‘excellent usability’ among all the software you’re looking at?

Ask vendors the following five questions during ERP software selection to fully understand the product’s usability potential.

  1. How many clicks does it take to do X? This question gets to the heart of how easy it is to find things in the software. For example, if software A takes only two clicks to do a common task but software B takes four clicks, the usability aspect of A may be better for your needs than B.
  2. How long does the average user take to learn the software? This question may also be asked another way: How long is the average training session? Software that scores high in usability is often easier for people to grasp. Therefore, it takes less time to train people to use the software. Although not always a perfect indicator of usability, average training time provides another clue about the software’s usability.
  3. How customizable is the dashboard or user interface? The ability to customize by role or even by individual user enables people to get to what they need on screen fast. It cuts down on the number of steps people need to take to do their work and improves usability.
  4. How fast can an experienced user accomplish tasks? Like asking how many clicks it takes to do common tasks, the average time it takes an experienced user to complete tasks also gauges usability.
  5. Do you have any metrics about error messages? If errors are common, it may be a usability issue. People may be clicking on the wrong items or the system may appear to guide them one way when they should go another to do something. Companies may or may not have error metrics but even if they do not, it will open up the conversation around common errors. You’ll be able to get a better idea during the ERP software selection process of the system’s usability with some idea of how common errors are.

Acumatica Excels in ERP Usability

Nucleus Research, an independent research group, evaluated several ERP solutions and found that among them, Acumatica came out on top with the Highest Usability. This reflects the software’s fifth year with that designation. You can view the 2020 ERP Technology Value Matrix online.

Nucleus Research stated in the report:

“Customers note that the solution’s usability is a differentiator during initial evaluation and implementation, but the software can then scale to handle complex and high-volume data processing as well. New users can be onboarded quickly and collaborate efficiently across departments and geographies. Acumatica’s flexibility enables users to configure their implementation to match existing best practice, while promoting the move away from siloed data and processes. The vendor has made significant investments in bringing Industry 4.0 functionalities to both its General Business and Industry Editions, demonstrating its commitment to providing long-term value for customers.”

Acumatica’s 100 percent browser-enabled ERP solution provides a centralized source of data. Teams can share information in real time through personalized dashboards. The built-in business intelligence helps analyze multiple data streams for greater impact. If your company is looking at ERP software solutions, Acumatica should be at the top of your list to review. It offers usability, functionality, and a competitive price with plenty included to help your business grow.

Contact Emerald TC for more information at 678-456-6919.

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