The Pace of Business Today: Sage 100 Helps Improve Speed to Delivery

Sage 100 can help you improve the speed with which you deliver products to your customers. Customers have always been demanding—we imagine the pharaohs of ancient Egypt demanding “Faster, better!” when building the pyramids—but competition today is fierce for every dollar. The faster you can deliver products to market, the more you can increase revenues and retain customers. Sage 100 helps improve speed, customer satisfaction, and revenue growth.

How Sage 100 ERP Improves Speed

Have you ever noticed how having the right tools for the job helps you get the job done faster? That’s one of the ways in which Sage 100 ERP improves speed.

We’ve included information below on how Sage 100 improves speed. You can also build speed into your ERP system by using the many tips and tricks available as well as increasing your knowledge of the system itself. Emerald TC offers tips, tricks, and resources on our Sage 100 Resources page.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Improves Supply Chain Visibility

ERP systems improve supply chain visibility. They offer everyone in your organization a window in to the supply chain. Using the dashboards in the ERP system, you can:

  • Determine the current workflow
  • Assess time to delivery of materials
  • Ascertain whether you need to order more raw goods
  • View inventory of materials, parts, or completed items
  • Check on supplies
  • View cash flow, payment status and more

All this information shared across multiple departments in your company improves supply chain visibility as well as the ability to make faster, better decisions.

If you know you’re running low on raw materials, you can reorder swiftly. This keeps the production line running without delays or interruptions. The more days of uptime you have, the faster you can complete an order.

Build Predictive Analytics

Another way in which ERP software improves speed is to help you build predictive analytics. Data obtained from past orders, along with an analysis of current orders, can help you predict future orders.

Accurate predictions enable you to:

  • Order materials in bulk to obtain the best cost without over-ordering
  • Add staff to handle peak production times
  • Schedule routine equipment maintenance around peak production times to avoid costly delays
  • Manage cash flow better

By embracing predictive analytics, you can improve shipping times and lower costs by ordering in bulk, both excellent means to increase profits and speed without compromising delivery or quality.

Enhance Distribution

Speed is also an important part of distribution. The faster you can get products to market, the more you can increase production and profits.

An ERP system such as Sage 100 helps enhance distribution by providing you with the data you need to manage vendors. You can monitor all the data entering the system and add carryover information, individual purchases, ordering, or billing.

Distribution processes are as unique to a business as its makeup and products and Sage 100 offers the flexibility to customize your dashboards and data entry so you can adapt it to your company’s distribution process. This added flexibility, along with enhanced data visibility, enables you to ship quickly with greater accuracy. Drop shipping can also be managed through your ERP dashboard, yet another plus to build speed into your systems.

Faster, Cheaper, Better? Yes, Please!

There’s an old diagram showing a triangle with each point marked, “Faster, cheaper, better.” Under it are the words: Pick any two. The idea is that you can’t have all three in any system. One must be sacrificed for the benefit of another.

ERP systems can’t, by themselves, fix everything in your business, but they can help you produce and ship goods faster and less expensively if you use the data found in the system wisely. As for better, improving quality is always a bit easier when you have data such as repeat orders or repeat customers, two signs that you’re doing something right in terms of quality.

Sage 100 offers you the means to improve your manufacturing operation. If you’re ready to move forward, contact Emerald TC. We offer a team of certified consultants, CPAs, and master developers to help you build your business, choose the right software, and grow your revenues. Contact us or call 678-456-6919.

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